PROFESSIONAL ClientsGoogle Genentech Pomona College  Yale University Northwestern University United States Bureau of Overseas Building Operations + more


Pomona College
Yale University
Northwestern University
United States Bureau of Overseas Building Operations
+ more

I’ve always believed in the power of “Learning by Doing”. To me this means taking action to build amazing solutions to the problems we face now and in the future.

I began my career working at various architecture offices around the globe (Mexico city, Paris, Boston, San Francisco) working with a wide range of innovative clients including Fortune 500 companies, governments, internationally renowned universities and unconventional non-profits.

My work at these offices included master plans, museums, interior retrofits, delivering presentations, facilitating design thinking workshops and seminars and more. With each new project I always found myself focused on the impact it would have on the primary users as well as the people adjacent.

My time outside of the office was spent working to build community.  As a way to encourage more conversation between young professionals in the design and construction industry. I founded “SOFA” (the Society Of Friendly Architects.) A social collective open to anyone interested in learning more about the building industry. We meet up monthly to discuss the latest trends and topics in the industry.  SOFA’s  members include Architects, UX designers, Strategists, Logistics engineers, Real estate developers and more…

As the pandemic took hold of the world in 2019 I stepped away from working in Architecture offices to tackle an issue I believe many people were acknowledging for the first time. The accumulation of stuff in our homes. 

My solution to the issue was to found Fiberologies. A company with a mission to produce better, more sustainable, longer lasting goods for our homes. After an almost 2 year journey filled with “learning by doing” I recently launched Fiberologies first product line, a series of towels designed for specific daily rituals in the home.

Please reach out if you are interested in collaborating or just want to learn more about me!